Get ready for EOFY

Breaking your tax time tasks into a handy checklist makes end of financial year compliance far less stressful for small business owners. Written and illustrated by Flashblak’s Kerry Klimm, read our simple Deadly Digits EOFY guide.

Helpful links

National Indigenous Australians Agency

Get tips & links for First Nations’ people in business, including finding contract opportunities.

Supply Nation

Access a database of Indigenous business. You can apply to be Supply Nation certified and add your business to the database.

Indigenous Business Australia

Find workshops, support and loans to help you start and build your business.

Business Queensland

Get information about support for First Nations’ businesses as well as contacts and resources.

One Business

Access opportunities to work with experienced Indigenous trainers and other businesses from your wider community.

What's happening

We’ve put together a list of upcoming events throughout the year that may be of interest. 



Did you know?

The Indigenous business sector was believed to be worth more than $4.8 billion in 2018, according to research last year. and it’s an area of the economy that is growing rapidly. Read more here.

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