Deadly Stories

Bree Buttenshaw

At the start of 2021, Bree said she had a ‘quarter life crisis’

“I realised that working in Government isn’t what I wanted to do. I wanted to pursue art and complete my Masters in primary education. Art is such a special space for me, it’s where I can express myself, where I feel safe and where I can heal.”

Bree says her business Little Butten has been a beautiful space to be unapologetically her.

“However, when starting a small business you need to wear many hats. A financial hat is not one I enjoy. Accounting, finances and money are major stressors for me. I think a lot of us have experienced financial trauma without knowing…the words ‘taxes’ and ‘GST’ stress me out and I just shut down.”

“It feels almost taboo to discuss finances. However, in order to run a successful business, I need to face those fears. I met with an accountant who taught me the basics: what taxes are, what a BAS is and how GST works.

“Then I just needed to find a system to record my financial information that works for me. Then I heard about Deadly Digits!

Bree and her dad who has just started his own business have set up accounts and are enjoying learning and organising their business finances in a safe and supported environment together.